
Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Water is the very basis of life. It generates life and is itself a living substance. 60% of our bodies are made up of water and 99% of the molecules in our body are water. We cannot go more than two days without it. It is the single most important substance for life on our planet.
Sadly most water today is dead water. Because of this, most people are severely dehydrated even if they are drinking 8 glasses of water a day. That’s because only 15%-17% of tap, filtered, purified and bottled water gets into the cells. So if you’re drinking a gallon of water a day, most likely only 22 ounces of that is actually getting into your cells.
In order for water to reach the cells it needs to be alive and structured. Dr. Gerald Pollack, the world’s leading expert on water, explains in his book, The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid and Vapor, that structured water is not H20. Structured, living water is crystalline in nature and is H302. He calls it EZ water standing for “exclusion zone” because the water excludes impurities. EZ water or H302 is in all living organisms, including fruit, vegetables and you and me. It’s one of the reasons why drinking fresh juice is so healthy. You’re drinking EZ water.
When we are young we have high concentrations of this highly structured water but as we are subjected to stress, chemicals, free radicals and other contaminants we become depleted in this water and our bodies begin to dehydrate (hello wrinkles). At the same time, the EZ water present in our cells begins to destabilize, it loses its shape and unwanted compounds become bound to the water molecules.
As a result, our water molecules have a difficult time moving in and out of our cells. Because nutrient delivery and waste removal is impaired, we experience a decrease in cell health and a loss of cell communication. When these molecules lose their structure they are in chaos. Areas of the body containing cells with chaotic molecules will experience pain and fatigue. It is when the molecules in our cells are organized that we experience energy and vitality and are free of pain.
Nature, when it is not tampered with, provides us with an abundance of structured, living water. So why is most of our water supply made up of dead water? Aside from all of the toxic chemicals present in modern day tap water, water is forced to travel through pipes as well as filtration systems which changes its structure and causes it to lose its life force.
Reverse osmosis and distilled water are both forms of dead water. Adding minerals back into reverse osmosis water makes it better but it is still not a good source of living water. Distilled water is one of the worst waters you can drink aside from tap water as it will leach minerals out of your body. If you are drinking it for cleansing purposes drink it in small amounts and for a short period of time.
Because tap water is so toxic (chlorine, fluoride, arsenic, lead, pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides, bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc.), water filtration systems will make the water decent but it is still not going to provide water that is life giving. For one, most water filtration systems don’t remove fluoride and if they do they most likely can’t remove 100% of it. Even for the chemicals that have been removed, water has memory and the negative imprint of those chemicals will still be present in the water.
Alpine spring water is the cleanest, purest water you can find. I’ve been told by a doctor, who tested all the brands of water at Whole Foods, that Mountain Valley Spring Water tests out the best. The water comes from a protected forest in a remote valley in the Oauchita Mountains. It’s bottled straight from the source and is packaged in glass bottles. It can be delivered to your home in 5 gallon, 2.5 gallon glass containers as well as individual sized bottles. It’s by far the best bottled water I’ve ever tasted. Another doctor told me that the Whole Foods 365 water tests out well and it is quite inexpensive. 
To ensure you are drinking structured living water it is best to pour your spring water or filtered (if that is your best option) into an egg shaped vessel and allow it to sit overnight before drinking it. The longer you can leave it, the better.

The sacred geometry spiral inherent in the egg shape brings water into higher resonance.  The egg is a combination of an infinite number of golden ratio spirals. Because of this it gathers creative energy from every direction. Within the egg, energy is continually cycling, yet no cycle is the same as within a circle. No stagnant areas exist. This allows nature to upgrade or refine the creative energy with each cycle. 

Storing water in an egg shaped vessel naturally creates a vortex within the water imitating the way water flows down a river. When water is able to flow freely in a spiral like motion, it is able to cool itself to its ideal temperature of 39 degrees Fahrenheit. At 39 degrees water is at its densest, has its highest energy content and has its greatest life giving potential. The vortex causes oxygen to get diverted towards the outside causing pathogens to die off as they are exposed to excess oxygen. Chlorine gas will dissipate and lime from tap water will transpire to the outside of the container.According to naturalist and water pioneer, Viktor Schauberger, the spiraling motion energizes water and gives it its “livingness” properties.
When water is forced and confined to flow in straight channels, these channels are like a straitjacket for water. It stops its movement and its ability to create vortices is removed. As a living substance it becomes diseased. If water becomes diseased then we become diseased. It is so important that we care for our water in the way nature intended. Because without water, there is no life.
Other ways to increase structure in your water:
Put your water in the refrigerator and cool to 39 degrees Farenheight.
Medical Medium advises squeezing some lemon, lime or fruit juice such as grapefruit or orange into your water to turn it back into living water.
Increase water structure in your body by:
Earthing- The earth carries a negative charge just like living water. By connecting to the Earth, you can increase the structure of  the water in your body.
Infrared Light (infrared saunas, sunlight and laser therapy)- infrared energy builds and stores living water in the body.
Eating a diet consisting of 80% organic raw fruits, vegetables and fresh cold pressed juices will provide your body with a good amount of H302.

Avoid water that has an extremely high pH (above 8) as this will disturb your stomach acid and cause health problems. The pH of your water should be somewhere between 6 and 8 (Mountain Valley has a pH of 7.8). 
Some of the most healthful waters in the world are slightly acidic in the range of 6.5. Contrary to popular belief this is by far more preferable to a high pH water.

If you are interested in finding a local spring with living water check out

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